The SAWYER partnership is glad to publish this new document which aims to support furniture sector stakeholders and actors interested in and affected by the transition toward a more Circular Economy. This document collects the information currently available on initiatives designed and implemented in different EU countries to support the different EU policies and initiatives affecting directly and indirectly the furniture sector transition toward a more Circular Economy, such as the new Circular Economy Action Plan and European Green Deal, but also the new EU Industrial Strategy. There are several of these initiatives taking place across Europe, and they are carried out by different public and private organisations, but it is clear that circular economy is an ongoing process that requires continuous updating and innovation of the implementing actions.  

In spite of the fact that this document shows just a limited picture at this precise moment, it strives to target all the relevant furniture sector actors and provide them with information about which initiatives can provide them relevant and enriching information.

We used different sources of information and we summarized their content in different tables, but we also included specific information on those initiatives that have been designed and in some cases are already in an implementation phase in those seven countries specifically targeted by the SAWYER project (Bulgaria, France, Italy, Rumania, Spain, Sweden and The Netherlands).

Specific links allow the readers to find additional and more detailed information about all the initiatives identified.

Link to: Collection of relevant initiatives supporting circular economy in the EU