Holistic approach for the identification of Skills and sAfety needs towards a groWing sustainability & circularitY of furniturE sectoR
The SAWYER project aims to facilitate the transition of European furniture companies to a more circular economy. The project will study the main legislative and voluntary instruments that can facilitate this circular economy transition and it will analyse how they are expected to affect and transform the European furniture sector in 2030 (2 years, 01/03/2019 – 28/02/2021). This project has been funded by the European Commission call: Support for Social Dialogue VP/2018/001 – Grant Agreement Reference VS/2019/0027.
Specific objectives
- SO1: Understand which are the current status and trends in the Furniture sector of circular economy legislative & voluntary instruments and other related drivers, in some relevant countries and at EU level. Additional analysis will focus on affected key occupations, currently required skills & competences, OHS risks linked to Circular Economy.
- SO2: Define future possible sector scenarios for 2030 due to circularity drivers and levers, forecasting the possible level of impact and implementation of legislative and voluntary instruments in the EU furniture sector, applying the Delphi research methodology and involving at least 50 different experts.
- SO3: Define which will be the most affected furniture sector occupational profiles by the Circular Economy in 2030, and the level and kind of impact on them in relation to tasks, skills & knowledge needs and OHS risks and provide guidelines to sector stakeholders on how to deal with these changes. It will require the involvement of 4 external experts in the following fields: Circular Economy, OHS risks, VET provision and EU economic trends.
- SO4: Mapping circular economy initiatives in the EU, which have been already implemented and demonstrated of being able to support the industry circularity.
- SO5: In addition to the project presentation flyer, delivery of 3 printed documents: full report, executive summary and project outcomes brochure for massive dissemination of outcomes/outputs.
- S06: A follow-up plan to be implemented after the end of the project by the partners.

- D1: Report on current status and trends of circular economy in the furniture sector (SO1).
- D2: Forecasting Furniture Sector possible scenarios in relation to circular economy in 2030 (SO2).
- D3: Report on key circular economy implications on furniture sector in 2030 (SO3). Focusing on: changes in sector occupations and risks for workers OHS at work, new skills & knowledge needs.
- D4: Collection of successful circular economy initiatives across the EU (SO4).
- D5: Suggestions and guidelines for Furniture Sector Stakeholders (SO3): a full Report in English, a project executive summary and a project brochure in 10 languages.